This is the pont where all following problems have their beginning. After I finally got my credit card, and spent some time to cherish myself, first and unfortunately unavoidable step was to test it in action. To be honest at that time I tried to convince myself, that unlike mamy other losers who weren't intelligent enough to keep little plastic thing under control and I definitely have the spirit and ability to do that without much afford. But nevertheless with those thoughts in my head and credit evil in my hand I went to a first shop and made my first purchase, then second, and third after that... Do I need to continue? And at first I was pretty accurate with repayments. In fact I was accuracy and responsibility in one face. But in a short while my alertness was down and cent by cent, dollar by dollar unpaid balance begun to grow. Sometimes when I saw growing balance I payed it out, sometimes I just thought, “Well, there is nothing to wary about, I'll do it later this week or month”. It wasn't too bad at that point, I steel been wearing pink glasses.
If only people could stop at that point and take credit card under control! Actually I personally know a lucky few who managed to escape of temptation to get deeply involved in spending unwellness. But it is such a minority of that kind of people, so I think they even not deserve to be mentioned among us. As I said, at that point I was not lost yet, but my future was already domed and next step downhill was just a matter of time. And that step had been made, but this is another story...
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